
Crystal Springs Leagues

Monday Senior League– 2 Man Team Monday Mornings.
Looking for 2-man teams (A & B Division). Must be 55+. There will be a meeting April 14th at 9:00am at the clubhouse. League play will start April 21st. Note: We sometimes have singles looking to join this team without a partner. So call if interested even without a partner.

Tuesday League– 4 Man Team Tuesday Evenings.
Shotgun start at 5:30. There will be a meeting/practice round April 29th at 5:15. League will start May 6th. ***This league is FULL***

Wednesday League– 2 Man Team Wednesday Evenings.
There will be at meeting April 30th at 5:30. League will start May 7th.

NEW Thursday League– 2 Man Thursday Evenings.
Starting April 24th at 5:26 Visit https://www.spark.golf/le/Y6LA for more information on this league.

Anyone interested in any of these leagues or for more information please call 740-787-1114.